Magnetic Hyperthermia Therapy

A traditional approach in a unique way to treat cancer

Magnetic Hyperthermia Therapy

A traditional approach in a unique way to treat cancer.

Solid tumors represent approximately 90% of adult human cancers. They can develop in many parts of the human body, including the head, mouth, breast, lung, liver, kidney, prostate, bladder, colon, etc. Magnetic hyperthermia therapy is a minimally invasive method to treat any solid tumor. Magnetic hyperthermia therapy involves delivering targeted heat energy to increase the localized temperature (43-47oC) and selectively kills cancerous cells without affecting the healthy tissue. It consists of two major components: an alternating magnetic field (AMF) generator MagnaTheronTM and the magnetic nanodelivery systems

ThermoHealsR. The ThermoHealsR solution consists of magnetic nanoparticles, which, when subjected to AMF, generates heat due to magnetic relaxations. The ThermoHealsR solution could be directly injected into the tumor site, disperse uniformly, and generate heat when placed under the MagnaTheronTM machine, resulting in increased localized temperature within a few minutes which destroys the cancerous cells by affecting protein synthesis, hinders DNA repair pathways, and disintegrates the cellular membrane resulting in direct cellular death.